DLL Getting Started Package
These three micro-courses will equip you to learn the foundations to set you up for digital success.
Here are the micro-courses that are included in your enrolment.
Digital Literacy, Micro-Courses
This microcredential forms the foundation of your digital understanding by introducing you to the common terminology and symbols used across the digital world. This gives you the important building blocks for moving forwards on your learning journey.
Digital Literacy, Micro-Courses
Our most comprehensive microcredential of them all! Covering the usual digital devices of computers and smartphones but also extends to look at smart tags, payment systems and other digital devices. Most importantly, learn to troubleshoot!
Digital Literacy, Micro-Courses
Become an expert internet user with this microcredential covering the basics of how the internet works, conducting useful searches and making sure your browsing history is protected. Cement your knowledge by mastering MyGov, from Services Australia.
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